

> How quickly can we scale?

To better understand this make sure you review the baselayer, atomic teams and a curious community.

Scaling our Baselayer

There are a few ways we are looking to scale our baselayer:

  • Scale to different climates
  • Scale size to accommodate larger buildings
  • Scale to enable more designs

With every build we do, we naturally grow the capabilities. However we can save money by by using the existing capabilities. This helps us reduce cost where it matters.

Scaling Atomic Teams

We have multiple paths to growing the teams but a quick summary for this section is based on demand:

  • 3-5 teams in year one
  • 10+ teams every year after

Prefer Hiring Full Time

Because of our focus on knowledge and community, we prefer hiring full-time employees with full benefits including health insurance. This is how we grow communities, by first building long term trust with our employees.

We will always hire contractors for electrical, plumbing or other specialty trades.

Contract to Hire

If funding isn't available, we may need to do a contract to hire approach until we stabilize demand. This allows us to practice training while continuing to grow.

Partner Atomic Teams

Want to run your own atomic team? Sure! You don't have to join Nopal to gain the benefits of using our baselayer. We are in discussions with existing teams in other locations that are interested but need to retain the flexability of a traditional build company.

Since our Atomic teams are bottom up, this enables people to still run their own business if they want.

Home Builders / DIY

Because our system is teachable, we'd also like to get a few home builders trying it out. These folks generally are highly curious with the capability to run an Atomic team. If they build their own ADU, they learn and train while saving money on their build.

This is a great option to potentially pull people from other sectors into the construction industry.


Early on we won't be able to offer this, but in a year we should be able to start opening up spots to train others. This is a great way to scale the number of teams as well.

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Want to join us?

We can travel together on this venture down the path of the unknown.