Building homes use to take a community, this is why we want to help build communities. To do this we do what nature has naturally provided us, a spark of curiosity.
We don't believe to have all the answers, but by continuing to keep open minds and change as we learn we can work towards a better or more complete understanding.
One of our objectives is to hold classes to help everyone understand the theory about how healthy buildings work. This lays the foundation for the practical or hands on skills.
Think of this as an art class, you first learn all the rules, that way you know how and when you can break them.
Art doesn't have a perfect answer and neither does a building. There are always trade-offs we need to make in order to build. Teaching this requires dedication and patience so for the few that find themselves interested in learning we want to provide the opportunity.
Because of our Atomic teams, they each are going to have their own personality and we encourage this. Building should be an inspiring process and when that happens you naturally see creativity shine.
If our goal is to build just to make money, we lose out on so much of what life has to offer, especially when it comes to community.
Learning skills is part of building, and there are no shortage of skills one can pick up. Because our builds require fewer people, there is more opportunity for the buyer to decide what they want to take on or what they would prefer to have others take on.
This means that they can learn best by focusing on the parts they are interested in, but have the support behind them to ensure they are tackling it properly.
We keep our learning groups small to help build relationships while learning. Relationships are important for support and for motivation.
We can guarantee that if you join our community, you'll be Curious Certified for sure.
We can travel together on this venture down the path of the unknown.