We are all about understanding the built environment and how it can foster experiences.
A stack of rich Black Locust cladding eagerly waiting to clad this ADU. It smells so good.
Open joint Black Locust cladding on a rainscreen over Pro Clima Fronta Quattro.
We have all heard the cliche you are what you eat. We are also what we breathe. In the simplest sense, this is all we can be. Our bodies continuously break down and rebuild from what we put in them over time.
Arabian Jasmine - one of our favorite recent "discoveries" as a desert plant that does oddly well in our climate with minimal water.
With 3" of open space filled with Sheep's wool and finished with acoustic felt, this ceiling system absorbs sound across the entire audible range while also filtering interior air and ^please hold… buffering humidity.
On the search for the perfect Nopalideal ceiling. Experimenting with colorful and acoustic felt.